Word Of The Day: Grandiloquent

gran·dil·o·quent [gran-dil-uh-kwuhnt]

[Origin: 1585–95; grandiloqu(ence) + -ent]

[From grandiloquent, from Latin grandiloquus : grandis, great + loquī, to speak; see tolkw- in Indo-European roots.]


1. lofty in style; "he engages in so much tall talk, one never really realizes what he is saying"

2. puffed up with vanity; "a grandiloquent and boastful manner"; "overblown oratory"; "a pompous speech";

In sentences:

"pseudo-scientific shimi shimi and pontifical hooey"

—Related forms gran·dil·o·quent·ly, adverb
—Synonyms turgid, inflated, rhetorical, pretentious.
—Antonyms simple, sincere.

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