eBay Bay & aBay Bay

Well, this is my take on Ebay and not the song called A BAY BAY by Hurricane Chris. Hahaha. Ebay is such a lovely place to shop. So awesome! You get the best bargains on the planet. From clothes to real estate, to vehicles and accessories Ebay has it. I got some tips for you shoppers out there who are on a tight budget and yet, wanted to the have the items you’ve been longing to own.

First, you have to sign up and create an Ebay account to be able to purchase from them. The next step would be searching for the items you wanted. You have to read everything carefully including the seller’s policy, shipping and handling fees and the best offers around. There are items that are sold by multiple sellers and would give you endless choices whether you wanted to bid or purchase right away through the so called BUY IT NOW procedure. Here’s a tip, a good and frugal ebay buyers tend to look at an auction then compares one to another, finding the least amount to spend with. Then, you may want to watch the item and would be added on MY EBAY folder. This would help you monitor the item if it has ended, purchased or to know the current auction value price as to whether tell you if you should or not bid for it. Another things is do not bid right away, most newbies tend to be so excited about bidding right away. That’s a NO NO, what you should do is wait for the last hour or minute until an auction closes. The last 20 seconds is crucial and intense.

Don’t feel bad after losing an auction; you just have to wait for other postings with similar items. From here on till the next Ebay related topics. I will teach you some techniques that would help you win you bids and selling techniques to earn some money. So keep on reading this blog. Ciao!

You maybe curious about Hurricane Chris and A BAY BAY huh? Here it is for you to enjoy! Keep it real homie! This ain’t durteehhh.

Just to share with you, here’s the A BAY BAY video from you tube:

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