Body Burden Chemical Testing
Some chemicals or their breakdown products (metabolites) lodge in our bodies for only a short while before being excreted, but continuous exposure to such chemicals can create a "persistent" body burden. Arsenic, for example, is mostly excreted within 72 hours of exposure. Other chemicals, however, are not readily excreted and can remain for years in our blood, adipose (fat) tissue, semen, muscle, bone, brain tissue, or other organs. Chlorinated pesticides, such as DDT, can remain in the body for 50 years. Whether chemicals are quickly passing through or are stored in our bodies, body burden testing can reveal to us an individual's unique chemical load and can highlight the kinds of chemicals we are exposed to as we live out each day of our lives. Of the approximately 80,000 chemicals that are used in the United States, we do not know how many can become a part of our chemical body burden, but we do know that several hundred of these chemicals have been measured in people's bodies around the world.
Significantly, most of these products are known to produce harm in humans and could causes several diseases such as cancer,birth defects,poisoning,lung problems,mental retardation and many others. Unfortunately, these not all these products are tested before it emerges out of the consumer market and poses a much higher risk on the health of humans.
CNN is exposing this kind of threat on us. They are having a 2 part episode documentary called Planet in Peril which they are featuring this 10/23/07 and 10/24/07.
Awareness is a crucial role we must take part in this types of harm or threats to our body. Get tested for body burden today.
Find out more information about body burden and testing here.
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For The Vampire Fanatics

eZee Quando Electric Folding Bike
It is so easy to use and carry with anywhere you go. Running a top-speed of 15 mph which is just right for its compact 20” wheels. The smaller wheels give this bike amazing torque and require no pedaling at all, even going up a steep hill. Larger wheel eZee bikes travel faster but becomes less portable.
This bike uses the latest battery technology in the market today, using NiMH or Lithium-Ion battery sets. Weighing just 51-1/2 lbs (Li-Ion) or 54 lbs for the NiMH, the eZee Quando is the lightest bike of it's kind.
The retail price of this bike is $ 1,200.00, not that cheap huh? Find out more about this bike and other related products here

This blog shows appreciation and support to a fellow Filipino like Brandon!
"Don't Believe The Hype, Just Believe What You See"
Watch UFC 77 tomorrow live at Cincinnati,Ohio
10 pm EST /7 pm PT on Pay per view, or Sopcast (channel: MMA-TV)
Check my posting "watch tv here" so you could watch UFC 77 via this blog.
Support Brandon Vera by wearing his signature Cage Fighter Tee get them now at ebay via the link below:
Minus A Few
Find out about Minus A Few and their album called" The One That Causes Growth" and hear their music below.
Got Citrus Amp?

Coca-cola Snacks

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Prevent Staph Infection (MRSA)

Ms. Universe Q & A
Ms. America
Ms. Spain
Ms. Britain
Ms. Iran
Ms. India
Ms. Philippines
QUESTION: Ms. America, how would you describe a male organ in your country?
MS. AMERICA: Well, I would say that , male organs in America are like gentlemen.
QUESTION: Why do you say that?
MS. AMERICA: Because it stands every time it sees awoman. (Applause...Applause)
QUESTION: Ms. Spain, how would you describe a male organ in your country?
MS. SPAIN: Male organs in our country are like toros in our very own bullfight.
QUESTION: Why do you say that?
MS. SPAIN: Because it charges every time it sees an opening. (Applause....Applause)
QUESTION: Ms. Britain, how would you describe a mal eorgan in your country?
MS. BRITAIN: Male organs in our country are like Shakespearian actors.
QUESTION: Why do you say that?
MS. BRITAIN: Because it cries after every performance. (Applause...Applause)
QUESTION: Ms. Iran, how would you describe a male organ in your country?
MS. IRAN: Well. I can say that male organs in Iran are like thieves.
QUESTION: And why do you say that?
MS. IRAN: Because they always enter through the backdoor. (Applause...Applause)
QUESTION: Ms. India, how would you describe a male organ in your country?
MS. INDIA: Well, I can say that a male organ in India is like a laborer.
QUESTION: Why do you say that?
MS. INDIA: Because it works day & night. (Applause...Applause)
QUESTION: Ms. Philippines, how would you describe a male organ in your country?
MS. PHILIPPINES: Ahh... well, opcors, hihihi... I can say dat male organs in our country are like chismis!
QUESTION: Chismis?
MS. PHILIPPINES: Ayy! Sorry... it's ano, ahh means GOSSIP in our language.
QUESTION: Hmm... interesting comparison. And why do you say that?
MS. PHILIPPINES: Ayy... dyahe! Hihihi! Kasi... I mean... Because... it passes from mouth to mouth.
Grass Sandwich
While they were dancing, he gives her a little squeeze, and says, "In America, we call this a hug".
She replies, "Yaah, in Sveden, we call it a hug too."
A little later, he gives her a peck on the cheek, and says, "In America, we call this a kiss".
She replies, "Yaah, in Sveden, we call it a kiss too."
Towards the end of the night, and a lot of drinks later, he takes her out on the campus lawn, and proceeds to have sex with her, and says, "In America, we call this a grass sandwich".
She says, "Yaaah in Sveden, we call it a grass sandwich too, but we usually put more meat in it."
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The Can-Am Factor
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Get Freaky!

Hello Yellow

As Real As It Gets
This is as real at it gets, almost no rules! bare knuckle fighting with no time outs and MMA sanctioned rules (except for no eye gouging, no biting, no hair pulling and no strikes to the groin) .
A true warriors dream to be in. They are not against MMA but they just want to get rid of all the hype, corporate power handling and BS. It also proves to be safer than sanctioned fights in MMA leagues and organizations. This puts Vale Tudo on the pedestals as a respected sport that is struggling in a world of commercialization. If you think this is brutal, this isn't for you...
I think fighting is fighting and the sport wants the best possible ways to make it look natural.
Once again, Obrigado Brasil!
Punk's Not Dead, They're Exploited
This movie celebrates the remarkable and colorful history of the bands that started the movement while comparing it to the newer generation of punk rockers exploited thru mainstream marketing by the media and consumerism.
From the sweaty underground bar rooms, outrageous backyard parties, DIY recording studios, and yes, shopping malls, and enormous stadium moshpits where punk rock music and culture continue to thrive. Punk's Not Dead searches for the soul of a lost subculture and an appreciation of all things loud, fast, empowered and spiked. Which made punk stronger and more relevant today than it's ever been.
This is a significant DIY documentary in the day in the life of being a punk. Showcasing interviews, performances, and behind-the-scene footages with the bands, labels, fans, and press who keep punk alive, It dares to juxtapose pop-punk's music and lifestyle against the grain roots in the 70's and 80's, resulting in unexpected revelations and marvels. A must see movie and an instant cult classic at the same time.
For more information about this movie visit
You Wouldn't Get Pho

In this post I would like to share on how you could make your very own home-made PHO!
The stock can be made a day in advance, you should use fresh herbs. This soup is all about the stock and the herbs (so pick the freshest ingredients from your local grocer). Well, in other cases you should learn this tip. (They do sell packets of PHO mix in some asian groceries which sell Vietnamese stuff) So for those of you who wanted a quick meal this one is for you.
The usual preparation time is about 4 1/2 hours and that is a lot of time. For those busy people I would recommend buying the pho packets for the stock instead.
Here are the ingredients:
For the stock you would need
2 lbs beef shank or beef brisket
1 lb oxtails or beef bones
1 lb lean stewing beef, in one piece
2 ounces fat (e.g. lard)
1 large onion, with peel
3 ounces fresh ginger, with peel
5 star anise
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
1 teaspoon white peppercorns
1 cinnamon stick
2 tablespoons fish sauce
1 1/2 pounds dried flat rice noodles
1/2 pound frozen beef sirloin
For the garnish you need:
1/2 lb bean sprouts
1 bunch shallots, sliced
fresh red chili, chopped
lime wedges
hot chili sauce
fresh mint leaves
fresh coriander leaves
fresh basil leaves
Hoisin sauce
Place the beef knuckle in a very large (9 quart or more) pot. Season with salt, and fill pot with 2 gallons of water. Bring to a boil, and cook for about 2 hours.
Skim fat from the surface of the soup, and add the oxtail and onions. Tie the anise pods, cinnamon stick, cloves, peppercorns and ginger in a cheesecloth or place in a spice bag; add to the soup. Stir in sugar, salt and fish sauce. Simmer over medium-low heat for at least 4 more hours (the longer, the better). At the end of cooking, taste, and add salt as needed. Strain broth, and return to the pot to keep at a simmer. Discard spices and bones. Reserve meat from the beef knuckle for other uses if desired.
Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Soak the rice noodles in water for about 20 minutes, then cook in boiling water until soft, but not mushy, about 5 minutes. Slice the frozen beef paper thin. The meat must be thin enough to cook instantly.
Place some noodles into each bowl, and top with a few raw beef slices. Ladle boiling broth over the beef and noodles in the bowl. Serve with hoisin sauce and hot chili sauce on the side. Set onion, cilantro, bean sprouts, basil, green onions, and lime out for garnish on top of the soup if preferred.
I hope you enjoy this exciting beef soup. The best part would be it's like going to the gym and sweating it out without the exercise (eating while you sweat, priceless!).